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Paper packaging industry

Paper packaging industry

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Paper packaging industry management software

Gutenberg ERP is a web based management sofware designed for the graphic industry and then also developed for companies in the paper packaging branch.

Our software combines all business processes in a single container, which is simple to use despite the complexity of the packaging steps.

The Gutenberg ERP quotation system for packaging calculates in a few seconds the production costs of complex products, such as a boxes made up of different elements and different processes, including manual ones. Everything through a simplified form that allows even the less experienced user to make quotations quickly and with no errors.

Gutenberg ERP makes possible to manage the entire production flow from a single customizable dashboard where you can check: the production status, the use and efficiency of staff and equipment, the efficiency of the technical and commercial departments.

Gutenberg ERP is a MIS software, a customizable web application dedicated to the graphic industry, an ERP software tailored for roll labels printing. It’s possible to access to all Gerp features from any device which can run a modern web browser, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge.

Gutenberg's main goal is minimize human intervention and errors.

Automatic quotation system for packaging estimates production cost in few seconds and without technical skills.

Gutenberg has a single powerful single customizable dashboard to control: job status in production, printing machines and staff efficiency, pre-press and marketing office efficiency and much more...

Main features



  • The quotations module quickly compares production costs with different printing technologies and formats.
  • Gerp allows you to create quotations for products from "templates" such as cases, display boxes printed in offset, digital, screen printing and with finishing such as hot lamination, special paints, manual setups and more.
Sale orders

Sale orders

  • Orders entry in manual or automatic mode via files in CSV, Excel or API format.
  • During the order entry, Gerp could check the delivery dates, the estimated costs and the warehouse availability of the raw materials.
  • Commissions are generated with the confirmation of sales orders with all technical data pre-filled in the quotation.
Production monitoring

Production monitoring

  • Data collection from the PC connected to the machine in manual or automatic mode (with industry 4.0 connected machines).
  • The data are displayed in real time on the job scheduling dashboard.
  • Gerp allows you to track batches of raw materials by reading supplier’s barcodes or creating identification labels in the warehouse. The batches are linked to the order and allows a complete traceability between production and raw materials.
Production planning

Production planning

  • JJob planning with optimization for format, die-cut, colors, type of binding (for folding and binding machines).
  • Automatic check of the delivery dates.
  • Production alert for missing equipments (cliché, dies, raw materials, draft approval).
Warehouse charge and delivery of products

Warehouse charge and delivery of products

  • The final product is loaded into the warehouse and the shipping office is noticed to ship, by preparing and issuing transport documents.
  • Automatic filing of transport documents with customer’s order number, lot number, reel packaging data, certification data (for example, FSC certification).
  • Management and enhancement of semi-finished products.
  • Management of external processes (abroad too) with transfers of raw materials through a valued list.
Final balance analysis

Final balance analysis

  • Cost control and analysis with actual prices measured through data collection from the machine.
  • The final balance analysis tool is very powerful, and able to link technical characteristics of the products with orders from a customer, productions on a single machine or a specific format.
  • The data from the reports can be exported in CSV format and readable by Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice softwares.

Checkout a sample dashboard

This week

Confirmed orders: 23

9.311,23 €

vs Same day last week


This week

Delivered orders: 27

+3 in advance

12.512,12 €

vs Same day last week


This week

Machinery usage


vs same day last month




waiting for "Ok To Print" for more than 5 days


quotation request

waiting for more than 3 days



without answer for more than 10 days

Work in progress

Order n.312
CD Speedmaster

Order n.302
Die Cutter

Order n.299
Folder gluer

Gutenberg ERP (also known as Gerp) is developed on LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySql / MariaDB, PHP) and maintained according to the state of the art for the Agile Software Developing, with frequent updates, quick modifications and customer request satisfaction. Our software house developes using a Subversion version control and PhpUnit and Jenkins automatic tests for updates on our trial server. Applications with billions of users like Facebook, Etsy and Yahoo! use the same technology.

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