
Gutenberg ERP, FSC certification management software for typography and graphic industry

FSC certification management

FSC certification management software

Gutenberg ERP helps you to manage your FSC certification. Through the items management you can classify the raw materials in reels and the FSC certified finished products into specific categories. Through our Reports you will obtain information regarding the use of raw materials and the production of certified products.

Many people use Excel to solve the FSC certification issue in their companies. It’s common for them to search for a pre-filled Excel file on the web to obtain a certification, but Gutenberg ERP offers a better solution.

FSC raw materials classification

Certificazione FSC

With Gutenberg ERP it’s possible to create new specific categories for FSC raw materials, in order to manage as best the certified materials, easily obtaining their existence and location in the warehouse using the Inventory tool.

FSC products classification

Certificazione FSC

Among the features of Gutenberg ERP there is a FSC certificates management system, within which it’s possible to specify any type of material (whether it is raw material in reels or produced products) and which type of certificatio it has (mixed or recycled).

Traceability of FSC products

Certificazione FSC

When an FSC product (raw material or finished product) is included in a sale or purchase document, Gutenberg ERP automatically copies the company's FSC certification number into the document. So, it will be very easy to report to customers that your product is certified.

Automatic descriptive lines

Certificazione FSC

Transport Documents / Invoices for FSC goods with certification number

Transaction book

To control the utilization and production of FSC products through the FSC certificate management function, Gutenberg ERP provides two reports: the Transaction book and the Summary chart.

Certificazione FSC

Through the transaction book it’s possible to obtain information regarding the consumption of FSC raw materials with more information on the orders in which it was used the FSC paper.

Summary chart

Through the Summary chart it is possible to obtain data on the employment of FSC raw materials in relation to the manufactured products.

Certificazione FSC

Contact us for further informations and scheduling a demonstration of our management software

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